Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Barred Owl

The neighbors called at 8am this morning to tell me there was a baby owl in their front yard and he looked like he might be hurt.  So, I went and took a look.  He seemed sort of stunned and I could only see one foot, so I wasn't sure what was going on. 

 I figured one or both of the parents couldn't be far away.  All I had to do was listen for the other birds that were pretty upset that the owls were here.  Right overhead, I saw one of the parents trying to keep an eye on the baby while dodging two big crows that were harassing it.

With a parent near by, I figured nature would take care of things.  So, I went back inside to eat breakfast.  About an hour later I looked out the window and didn't see the baby.  I went out to see where it went and saw the parent still in the tree but the baby had gone across the street and was walking/hopping down the sidewalk. 

The neighbors in that area roped off the sidewalk and put up a sign saying "Baby Owl Learning to Fly. Please Use Other Sidewalk".  I checked again later and didn't see the baby owl.  I'm hoping it figured out how to use those wings and get back up in the tree.

Painting - Sips-n-Strokes Style

Kerry and I joined friends at the Sips-n-Strokes in East Cobb last night to paint and drink.  Normally, they paint using brushes, but last night was painting with Paper Towels.  This was my first time and I think I want to go back and use brushes.  Anyway, below are our paintings.  The top one is mine and the bottom one is Kerry's.  It was a great experience.   They guide you each step and provide you with the paints and canvass all for $35.  You bring your favorite beverage and a snack or food if you want.  It was fun!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Robin's Nest

We have a couple of robins that have built a nest right outside our front windows next to our front door.  Here's one of them building the nest.

We thought there were just two eggs, but we couldn't see the other two from our angle.   There are four althogther.

Mom on the nest.

No more eggs!  You can barely see little bits of gray fuzz.

Babies waiting to be fed.